This is well known game. The only interesting feature is the size of the program file.
Since it is written in Assembler, it is only 937 bytes long. However, it has all standard
functions like rotating the bricks (Enter), pausing the game (P), showing the next piece,
and storing the high score to the COM-file itself. Developed around 1997-1998.
Technologies used:
- tetris.zip (3 kB)
.286 _TEXT segment assume cs:_TEXT , ds:_TEXT , es:_TEXT , ss:_TEXT org 100h @filename: mov sp,offset endstack mov ax,00001h int 10h mov ah,1 mov cx,02000h int 10h newgame: mov ax,score cmp ax,Srecord jb norecord mov Srecord,ax norecord: mov score,0 push ds xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov si,046Ch mov di,offset Rseed lodsw stosw pop ds call makerand mov next,si mov di,offset plocha2 mov cx,plochay mov ax,0E007h cld rep stosw mov cl,3 mov ax,0FFFFh rep stosw newcycle: mov bx,100 findline: cld mov ax,0FFFFh mov di,offset plocha2 mov cx,plochay repnz scasw jnz noline std sub di,2 mov si,di sub si,2 sub cx,plochay not cx dec cx rep movsw add score,bx shl bx,1 jmp findline noline: mov al,ispeed mov ah,byte ptr [score+1] shr ah,3 sub al,ah jnc plus mov al,1 plus: mov speed,al mov ticks,al mov bx,RValue mov ax,RSeed rol ax,3 sub ax,7 xor ax,bx mov RValue,ax mov RSeed,bx call makerand xchg next,si mov dx,7 xor bx,bx xor bp,bp call putblock jnc back jmp newgame put: call putblock jc cycle back: mov actblock,si mov actrot,bp mov actx,dx mov acty,bx call redraw cycle: mov dx,actx mov bx,acty mov si,actblock mov bp,actrot mov ah,01h int 16h jz nokey xor ah,ah int 16h cmp ah,04Bh je left cmp ah,04Dh je right cmp ah,050h je down cmp al,0Dh je rotate cmp al,1Bh je escape cmp ah,19h je pause nokey: push es xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov al,lasttick mov ah,es:[046Ch] pop es cmp ah,al mov lasttick,ah je cycle dec ticks cmp ticks,0 ja cycle mov al,speed mov ticks,al dec score down: add score,2 inc bx call putblock jnc back dec bx call putblock clc call plochaXtoY jmp newcycle left: cmp dx,0 je cycle dec dx jmp put right: cmp dx,plochax+3 jae cycle2 inc dx jmp put rotate: add bp,2 and bp,00007h jmp put pause: mov ah,0 int 16h cycle2: jmp cycle escape: mov ah,1 mov cx,00D0Eh int 10h mov ax,00003h int 10h mov ax,word ptr ds:[2Ch] ; AX - segment prostredi DOSu mov ds,ax ; -> DS xor si,si ; hledame 0000h od zacatku mov cx,0FFFFh ; maximalne FFFFh bytu FAloop: lodsw ; DS:SI -> AX ; zaroven add si,2 cmp ax,0000h je FAfound dec si loop FAloop ; sniz CX a vrat se pokud <> 0 jmp exit FAfound: add si,2 ; zkopirujeme z DS:SI na ES(nase):[EXEfile] mov dx,si mov ax,03D01h int 21h mov bx,cs mov ds,bx jc exit mov bx,ax xor cx,cx mov dx,offset Srecord-100h mov ax,04200h int 21h mov dx,offset Srecord mov cx,2 mov ah,40h int 21h mov ah,3Eh int 21h exit: mov ax,04C00h int 21h putbits proc near PBloop: mov ah,00h shl bx,1 jnc PBdal mov ah,0Fh PBdal: stosw loop PBloop dec dh ret putbits endp redraw proc near push es mov ax,0B800h mov es,ax mov ah,09h mov si,offset text1 mov di,2*(text1x+40*text1y) mov cx,text1l call puttext mov si,offset text2 mov di,2*(text2x+40*text2y) mov cx,text2l call puttext mov ah,14 mov si,offset text3 mov di,2*(text3x+40*text3y) mov cx,text3l call puttext mov ah,12 mov si,offset text4 mov di,2*(text4x+40*text4y) mov cx,text4l call puttext mov ah,02 mov si,offset text5 mov di,2*(text5x+40*text5y) mov cx,text5l call puttext mov ax,score mov bh,14 mov di,2*(scorex+scorey*40) call put10 mov ax,Srecord mov bh,12 mov di,2*(recordx+recordy*40) call put10 mov ax,002DBh cld mov cx,plochax+2 mov di,2*vplochax rep stosw mov cx,plochax+2 mov di,2*(vplochax+40*(plochay+1)) rep stosw mov si,offset plocha1 mov di,(40+vplochax)*2 mov dh,plochay Rloop1: mov cx,plochax lodsw mov bx,ax shl bx,3 mov ax,002DBh stosw call putbits mov ah,02 stosw add di,2*(40-plochax-2) cmp dh,0 jne Rloop1 mov si,offset kostky add si,next mov di,2*(40*nexty+nextx) mov dh,4 mov bx,[si] mov al,0DBh Rloop4: mov cx,4 call putbits add di,2*(40-4) cmp dh,0 jne Rloop4 pop es ret redraw endp plochaXtoY proc near push si mov si,offset plocha2 mov di,offset plocha1 jc p2to1 xchg si,di p2to1: mov cx,plochay+3 cld rep movsw pop si ret plochaXtoY endp putblock proc near ; [kostky+si+bp]=offset of block DX,DL=x BX=y pusha stc call plochaXtoY mov di,offset plocha1 shl bx,1 add di,bx mov bx,[kostky+si+bp] mov si,di mov ch,4 mov cl,dl cld Ploop1: lodsw mov dh,bh and dx,0F000h shl bx,4 shr dx,cl test ax,dx jnz over or ax,dx stosw dec ch cmp ch,0 jne Ploop1 clc jmp Pend over: stc call plochaXtoY Pend: popa ret putblock endp makerand proc near xor dx,dx mov cx,kostek div cx shl dx,3 mov si,dx ret makerand endp put10 proc near ; AX-number BH-color ES:DI-output - end (!) mov cx,10 mov bl,5 P10loop: xor dx,dx div cx add dl,48 mov dh,bh mov es:[di],dx sub di,2 dec bl cmp bl,0 jne P10loop ret put10 endp puttext proc near ; SI,DI,CX,AH PTloop: lodsb stosw loop PTloop ret puttext endp dat: kostek = 15 kostky dw 0CC00h ; ctverec 2x2 dw 0CC00h dw 0CC00h dw 0CC00h dw 02222h ; tyc 4x1 dw 00F00h dw 02222h dw 00F00h dw 04440h ; tyc 3x1 dw 00E00h dw 04440h dw 00E00h dw 04400h ; tyc 2x1 dw 0C000h dw 04400h dw 0C000h dw 0C800h ; male L dw 08C00h dw 04C00h dw 0C400h dw 06440h ; velke L dw 08E00h dw 044C0h dw 00E20h dw 04460h ; zrcadlove velke L dw 02E00h dw 0C440h dw 00E80h dw 00E40h ; male T dw 04640h dw 04E00h dw 04C40h dw 0E440h ; velke T dw 08E80h dw 044E0h dw 02E20h dw 04E40h ; kriz dw 04E40h dw 04E40h dw 04E40h dw 02E80h ; velke Z dw 0C460h dw 02E80h dw 0C460h dw 08E20h ; zrcadlove velke Z dw 064C0h dw 08E20h dw 064C0h dw 02640h ; male Z dw 00C60h dw 02640h dw 00C60h dw 04620h ; zrcadlove male Z dw 06C00h dw 04620h dw 06C00h dw 0EA00h ; U dw 0C8C0h dw 00AE0h dw 06260h text1l=6 text1x=3 text1y=2 text1 db 'TETRIS' text2l=13 text2x=0 text2y=3 text2 db '(C) Oto Valek' text3l=5 text3x=30 text3y=2 text3 db 'Score' text4l=6 text4x=30 text4y=5 text4 db 'Record' text5l=4 text5x=30 text5y=8 text5 db 'Next' scorex =31+4 scorey =3 recordx =31+4 recordy =6 nextx =31 nexty =10 vplochax=14 plochax =10 plochay =20 ispeed =18 blank dw 0E007h score dw 0 Srecord dw 0 plocha2 dw plochay+3 dup(?) plocha1 dw plochay+3 dup(?) speed db ? ticks db ? next dw ? actblock dw ? actrot dw ? actx dw ? acty dw ? lasttick db ? RSeed dw ? RValue dw ? _stack dw 100 dup(?) endstack: _TEXT ends END @filename